Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Ryoji (hereinafter referred to as "we") (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us"), in handling personal information, complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations, takes all possible measures to ensure the safety and reliability of personal information, recognizes the importance of personal information, and has established the following privacy policy to ensure its proper handling.

  • We obtain personal information appropriately.
  • We will inform you of the purpose of use in advance and handle your personal information within the scope of that purpose.
  • Take appropriate security measures to prevent leakage, loss, or falsification of personal information data, as well as unauthorized access to personal information databases.
  • A contact point shall be permanently established to respond to inquiries regarding personal information data held by the Company, and if the person providing personal information requests disclosure or correction of said data, the Company shall comply with said request in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
  • Comply with laws, regulations, and other norms related to the protection of personal information.

Article 1 (Acquisition of Personal Information)

We will acquire information about you by legal and proper means to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, after clearly indicating the purpose of use.

Article 2 (Use of Personal Information)

We will use the personal information of users and others (name, address, telephone number, date of birth, e-mail address, IDs for LINE and other SNS and messenger applications, and family information if necessary) for the following purposes. We will not use personal information beyond this scope without the consent of the individual, except in cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.

  • To provide information on our business, services, and websites related to our business and services, to provide information, and to send other information that we believe will be beneficial to users.
  • Investigations, research, etc. to improve the business and services we provide
  • Responding to various types of inquiries
  • Sending and transmitting information on lectures, seminars, and other events, questionnaires, pamphlets, etc.
  • When we foresee the possibility of damage to users and their families in our pursuit of the public interest, we will alert users and their families and provide them with information, etc.
  • Sending and transmission of services, beneficial and public information, catalogs, direct mail, direct mail, and line, etc., of group organizations and companies, companies and organizations that we deem appropriate, and other individuals as necessary.
  • Other business operations incidental to the above purposes of use

Article 3 (Management of Personal Information)

We will take necessary measures to prevent leakage, loss, damage, or unauthorized access to personal information, and will properly manage your personal information. In addition, when entrusting the handling of personal information to a subcontractor, we will instruct and supervise the subcontractor to properly manage the personal information.

Article 4 (Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties)

We will not provide personal information to third parties except in the following cases

  1. If you have the consent of the person in question
  2. When required by law
  3. In the event of succession of business due to merger, demerger, transfer of business or other reasons
  4. When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question
  5. When we deem it necessary to protect the rights, interests, honor, credit, etc. of other clients or other third parties
  6. Notwithstanding the first item, when we have obtained your consent or approval on this website for the sending of catalogs, direct mail, LINE, etc. from group companies, companies, organizations, and other individuals as deemed appropriate by us, as well as other information that we believe will be beneficial or of public interest to the user.

Article 5 (Entrustment to a Third Party)

When we entrust personal information to third parties, including group organizations, for use, we will consider the appropriateness of such entrustment in light of the security control measures taken by such third parties, and will provide personal information to such third parties after entering into a confidentiality agreement with them, and will exercise appropriate supervision over such third parties.

Article 6 (Request for Disclosure, Correction, etc. of Personal Information)

When we receive a request for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or elimination of personal information in our possession in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, we will respond to the request after confirming the identity of the person making the request in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law.

Article 7 (Warranty and Limitation of Liability)

Use of information obtained from other sites linked to this site is at the user's own risk, and we assume no responsibility for any damages resulting from such use.

Article 8 (Compliance and Review of Laws, Regulations and Codes of Conduct)

We will comply with Japanese laws, regulations, and other norms applicable to personal information in our possession, and will review and improve the contents of this policy from time to time.

Contact us

For inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please contactInquiry FormPlease contact us from the "Contact Us" page. Please note that we may reply to your inquiry by e-mail. The content of this e-mail is for informational purposes only. Please do not reproduce, forward, or otherwise use the contents of this e-mail without permission. Due to the nature of e-mail, missing or falsified content, delays in transmission, and other inconveniences may occur. We are not responsible for any of these problems.

General Terms of Service

The purpose of this website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") is to provide information to help you understand our activities. The purpose of this website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") is to provide information to help you understand our activities (however, we may outsource part or all of the operations of the Site and other related activities to cooperating organizations, companies, etc.). (However, we may outsource part or all of the operations of this website to cooperating organizations or companies. Please read the following terms and conditions of use of this website ("Terms and Conditions") before using this website. Please read the following terms and conditions of use ("Terms and Conditions") before using this site and use this site only if you agree to and accept these Terms and Conditions. By accessing, browsing, or using this site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. The Terms and Conditions are subject to change as necessary, so please check back from time to time for the latest revisions.

This site may contain links to other websites operated by us. When using those sites, please note that you are also required to agree to other terms and conditions of use when they are posted.

1. Purpose of this site

The purpose of this website is to provide information to help you understand our activities.

2. Changes to Terms of Use and Information Contents, etc.

The terms and conditions of use, posted content, URLs, etc. may be changed, modified, or deleted without prior notice. Please be aware that the operation of all or part of this website may be suspended or terminated without notice, so please be careful when linking to pages in the lower-level directory, such as specific product introductions. Please note that any information on the website does not always reflect the most up-to-date information.

3. Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

Information posted on this website may include predictions of future trends and other information. Such information is based on our judgment at the time of posting, contains uncertainties, and is not a guarantee of the future. Actual results may differ materially from forecasts due to unforeseeable economic conditions, social trends, and various other factors surrounding our company.

4. Copyright

All rights, including copyrights, to the information or content (materials, documents, images, sounds, software, etc.; hereinafter referred to as "Works, etc.") provided or posted on this site belong to us or the suppliers of the Works, etc. and are protected by copyright laws, international treaties, patent laws, and other intellectual property laws. All rights, including copyrights, in and to the information or content provided or posted on this site (including but not limited to documents, documents, images, sounds, software, etc., hereinafter referred to as "Works, etc.") belong to us or the supplier of the Works, etc. and are protected by copyright laws, international treaties, patent laws and other intellectual property laws.

Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a transfer of any patent right, design right, or other intellectual property right with respect to any invention, design, etc. contained in the Works, etc., or as a grant of any right, etc. based on such intellectual property right. The use (copying, reproduction, translation, adaptation, modification, uploading, posting, transmission, display, or distribution; the same shall apply hereinafter) of these works, etc., beyond the scope of personal use or other use expressly permitted by law, whether commercial or non-commercial, in any medium, without obtaining our prior written permission, is prohibited, (including copying, reproduction, translation, adaptation, modification, uploading, posting, transmission, exhibition, distribution, licensing, sale, transfer, loan, publication, use for the creation of derivative works, etc.) without our prior written permission.

Depending on the individual copyrighted work, you may be required to agree to separate terms and conditions for use of the software. Software must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions of the software license agreement provided by the copyright holder at the time the software is provided, as well as copyright laws, treaties, and other applicable laws. The copyrighted works and other materials provided on this site are provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

5. Trademarks

All trade names, service names, product names, logos, etc., mentioned or displayed on this website are registered trademarks or trademarks of us or our respective companies. Except as permitted by trademark law or other applicable laws, they may not be used or otherwise used without the prior consent of us or the respective companies that own them. If there is a separate trademark notice (credit) on each page of this site, please follow the trademark notice.

6. Prohibited items

The following acts are prohibited when using this site

  1. Actions that infringe or may infringe on the property or privacy of a third party or us.
  2. Actions that cause or may cause disadvantage or damage to a third party or us.
  3. Any act that slanders, defames, or threatens a third party or us, or defames our reputation or credibility.
  4. Criminal acts, acts incidental or related to criminal acts, or acts that may lead to criminal acts.
  5. Making false declarations or notifications regarding records on the Site, such as registering another person's e-mail address.
  6. Any business or commercial activity conducted on the Site, or any act in preparation for such activity.
  7. Actions that use or provide, or may use or provide, harmful programs such as computer viruses.
  8. Altering the content of this site, as well as deleting or altering copyrights, trademarks, and other proprietary rights notices.
  9. Actions that are or may be offensive to public order and morals.
  10. Any other activities that violate or may violate laws, regulations, or ordinances.
  11. Other activities that we deem inappropriate for reasonable reasons.

7. Information provided by users, etc.

We are under no obligation to review, evaluate, or adopt any information or materials provided by you through this site. Please note that any information or materials provided by you will not be considered confidential. However, we will take appropriate security measures in accordance with our "Privacy Policy" with respect to personal information, including the name or title of the user, and will not disclose such information except as otherwise provided, nor will we disclose the fact that the user sent us materials or other information. For details, please refer to the "Privacy Policy" of this website.

By sending us information or materials, you grant us an unconditional, royalty-free license to copy, reproduce, publish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, display, perform, modify, create derivative works from, and otherwise use such information or materials. The user is also granted an unconditional and royalty-free license to use the information sent by the user. You also agree that we are free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in any information or materials you send us for any purpose, unconditionally and without compensation.

8. Disclaimer

We have taken every precaution when posting information on this site. However, we make no warranty of any kind with respect to the following matters, and assume no responsibility whatsoever for any harm or damage resulting from the occurrence of such matters, the results of use, or errors in the information.

  1. The accuracy and adequacy of the information and content posted on the Site (whether or not it is useful, reliable, suitable for the user's purposes, and secure (that functions will not be interrupted, that errors will not occur, that defects will be corrected, that the Site and server are free of (e.g., that functions will not be interrupted, that errors will not occur, that defects will be corrected, that the Site and the server are free of computer viruses or other harmful items).
  2. The accuracy and validity of the content of information provided by third parties, such as manufacturer information posted on this website.
  3. That there will be no change or deletion of information and no interruption or suspension of the operation of this site for any reason, including but not limited to service interruption or delay due to server, network equipment, line, or other failure, outage, power failure, natural disaster, maintenance work, or any other reason.
  4. In the case of links from the Site to external websites, the accuracy and adequacy of the information on the external links.
  5. Use or non-use of the posted information, etc., or downloading of various files, plug-ins, etc., by the user.
  6. in no event shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, ordinary, special, or other consequential damages (including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs and data on information systems, loss of information systems, and other losses) arising out of your use of the information on this site or any other linked web site, whether or not foreseeable by us. damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs and data on information systems, loss of information systems and other losses.

9. About links

If you wish to link to this website, please contact us by filling in the required fields in a separate "Contact Us" form and providing the following information in the "Contents" field.

  • URL of the page to be linked
  • Content of the website to be linked and the purpose of the link

However, the following types of links are prohibited

  1. (2) Displaying our Web site within the frame of the linking site or otherwise making it unclear that the contents are those of our site, which may cause misunderstanding by a third party.
  2. Create frames around any page on the Site or use any other technology to alter the visual presentation or appearance of any content on the Site.
  3. Any representation that implies our approval or endorsement of the site, service or product from which the link originates.
  4. Any representation that gives a false or misleading impression about us, or that may damage the goodwill associated with our name or trademark.
  5. To use our logo and link to our website.
  6. Other links that fall under the "6. Prohibited Items" section of the Terms of Use.

Please note that the URL of this site is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to terminate permission to link to this site at any time at our discretion.

10. Links to other websites outside of ours

Third party websites linked to or from this website ("Third Party Linked Sites") The third parties' websites linked to or from this Site ("Third Party Linked Sites") are managed by the organizations or companies that operate them and are responsible for their own management. We do not guarantee the content or safety of such sites. Please carefully check the contents and terms of use of the Third Party Linked Sites before accessing, browsing, or using them.

We provide such links only as a convenience to users, and the fact that a site is linked to this site does not imply that we have any affiliation or other special relationship with the organization or company operating the third-party linked site, or that we endorse the contents of the third-party linked site, or the products, services, organizations, or companies listed on the third-party linked site, This does not imply that we have any affiliation or other special relationship with the organization or company operating the Third Party Linked Site, or that we endorse the content of the Third Party Linked Site, the products, services, organizations, companies, or other entities appearing on it. We are not responsible for the content or use of third-party linked sites.

11. Cookie

When you access the Site, the Site sends a "cookie" to your computer, which is a small file consisting of a string of information that identifies your browser and is used to provide functions on the Site and to improve the quality of our services, to store your preferences (such as text size), and to study user trends (such as the order in which pages are viewed). Cookies are small files containing a string of information that identify individual users' browsers and are used to improve the quality of the Site's functions and services, to save users' preferences (e.g., to enlarge the size of text), and to study user trends (e.g., the order in which users view pages).

Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies, but users can change their browser settings to refuse to accept cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if cookies are disabled, some functions and services of the Site may not function properly, and the range of available content and services may be limited. We recommend that you set your browser to "accept cookies" in order to make full use of the Site.

Cookies set on this site do not contain any personal information of users (company name, name, telephone number, e-mail address, address, etc.).

12. Web beacon

Web beacons are used to statistically analyze the number of visits and the order in which pages are accessed by using images, JavaScript, and cookies. This site uses Web beacons to analyze access to the site in order to help improve the site. We may also use our internal statistical tools or the support services of a marketing company to analyze access trends.

13. Use of Google Analytics, etc.

This site uses access and data analysis tools such as Google Analytics, etc. to understand and improve site usage. We use the results of analysis based on such data to understand how our website is used. The method of collection and use of access information by Google, etc., is set forth in the Google Analytics Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

14. Target Areas

This Site is intended for users residing in Japan. We assume no responsibility for any use of this Web site from any country or region outside of Japan. (We hereby disclaim any violation of laws, rules, or any other regulations by your access to our Web site from any foreign country or region outside Japanese jurisdiction.)

15. Exclusion of Antisocial Forces

The User shall make the following commitments to us.

  1. (2) The applicant is not a member of a crime syndicate, a company affiliated with a crime syndicate, a general meeting house, or a person or organization similar thereto (hereinafter referred to as an "antisocial force").
  2. (2) The applicant shall not allow antisocial forces to use his/her name or use the Service for the benefit of antisocial forces.
  3. (2) You will not use threatening words or actions or violence against us, or use deception or force to obstruct our business or damage our credibility, either by yourself or by a third party.

In the event that a user violates the preceding paragraph, we may, without notice or demand, suspend the user's use of the service or take any other measures stipulated in these Terms of Use. We shall not be liable for any damages, compensation, or other losses incurred as a result of the measures described in the preceding paragraph. In addition, the user shall compensate us for any damages incurred due to the user's violation of Paragraph 1.

16. Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction

The laws of Japan shall govern this website and its terms and conditions. Unless otherwise provided herein, any dispute arising from or in connection with the use of this Website or these Terms of Use shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Fukuoka District Court in the first instance, and any potential dispute arising from or in connection with the use of this Website or these Terms of Use shall be submitted to the Fukuoka District Court in the second instance.lawThis does not apply to cases in which the problem is also outside Japan.

17. Other

The Terms and Conditions do not unreasonably alter your rights under the Consumer Protection Code, including consumer protection laws. In addition, even if any part of the Terms and Conditions is invalidated by law, the remaining parts shall remain in full force and effect.

18. Inquiries about these Terms of Use

If you have any comments or questions about this site or us, please contact us,Inquiry FormPlease send your inquiry via the "Contact Us" form. Please note that we may reply (answer) to your inquiry by e-mail. The content of this e-mail is for informational purposes only. Please do not reproduce, forward, or otherwise use the content of these e-mails without permission. Due to the nature of e-mail, missing or falsified content, delays in transmission, and other inconveniences may occur. We are not responsible for any of these problems.
